
Maybe Tomorrow - Part 3

Finally, the nice lady purchased the cucumber, along with several others. She carried him to her home, humming a little music as she went. "Nearer My God to Thee?" thought the cucumber (Artistic license, remember?) "that sounds a bit worrying."

They finally arrived at the imposing building, and went inside. It was peaceful here - virtually silent, in fact. Down in the kitchens there were a whole group of women, all dressed in the same way, and as the nice lady arrived, they all congregated around her, exclaiming in hushed but happy tones about the quality of the cucumbers.

Frenziedly, they unwrapped all the cucumbers, stripping off the plastic packaging, tearing it in their need to get at the contents. Hands grasped the cucumbers, and proceeded to play with them, preparing them for use.

The little cucumber found himself in a warm, moist place, and was disconcerted to find it smelling faintly of fish...

Tuna Sandwiches.

At a Church Fete.

Lyle · Friday March 26, 2004 11:20

Mine's a pint.

Doctor Pockless · March 26, 2004 11:30

Bravo Sir!

A cunning stunt if ever I heard of one!!!

Gordon · March 26, 2004 13:39
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