1. Wonder how you can shoe-horn a link into one of your posts
2. Realise that with his greater guest-week experience, your co-guest has chosen a much better theme than you
3. Get over your theme-envy by just stealing his theme (sorry Lyle!)
4. Have another website you want to promote. This is pretty essential really as it’s quite hard to be a link-whore without anything to link to. For this example, I’ve gone to the trouble of quitting my secure, reasonably paid coding job and starting my own software company; you might find that it’s possible to become a link-whore without such extreme measures
5. Spend the time leading up to when you want to link-whore attending May Balls and going to Frankfurt for the weekend, rather than finishing off the site you want to promote. It may help to consult Lyle’s recent missive on being busy if you’re having trouble making things hectic enough.
6. Point out to everyone that there’s this really cool fledgling company called MCQN developing some easy-to-use backup software for home users.
7. Ask them all really, really nicely if they’ll help you out by filling out this short survey.
8. Hope everyone is too merry from the cocktails to mind too much 😉
9. Wonder if you’ll be invited back
June 18, 2004