Oh the weather outside is frightful… Yes, a bit early for Christmas songs but an apt description of the incessant, unrelenting rain that Wellington has decided to model for January. Not cold, just WET.
So, after my sister arrived from Australia to surprise the parents who are in from (technically) the UK we decided to cut our losses (along with chances of trench foot) and head north. The cat sitting lady had a vacancy so off we all went to Taupo!
That’s our tent on the left. Parents and sister of low camping tolerance on the right…In a very snazzy chalet.
Sunshine! Wine! Late applications of sunscreen leading to sunburn! But, no rain, at least until during the night.
We’ve seen the Huka Falls (lovely).
Craters of the Moon (oooo, steamy!)
Today’s task (in the intermittent sunshine) is to head to Hobbiton. Very excited!
This is all in extreme contrast to last January and the one before…quite hotly anticipating next year!
It’s ok, I’m not jealous.
Me either. Not a bit.
Yep. Hobbiton. Whevs.
Hobbiton was ruddy, sodding, marvellous! There was a thunder storm, hail & torrential rain for a bit, but we just hid in the Green Dragon with Hobbity ale for longer… 😉