This will be the final cocktail hour of the hummer solidays, as the Uborka Clan is heading off to France next Friday. This afternoon we are celebrating the work of the Reverend Spooner, known for getting his turds in a wangle. Woo your durst.
August 8, 2014
What’s that one with orange juice and champagne? I’ll have one of them.
Good start, Poctor Dockless.
I was always fond of a spud goonerism.
I was yinking of thou when I pote this roast.
I have had three sours of heep.
True STory: Reading the hourly news there was an item about Tall Ships arriving in port days after one in the flotilla had gone down, resulting in several deaths—-
” They will sail in flying their fags at half mast”
Please bring me a bucket of Fuck’s Biz.
I’m the dick lover. Oh, wait, that was last week. Umm, I’ll have a Racardi and Bum, please.
Well I opened a bottle of Shunky Moulder last night, so I guess a wee dram of that would bit the fill.