June 2, 2004

Recipes of yesteryear.

Dodo en croute with a fweet chilli jam, ferved on a polenta and wafabi oatcake.
Firft, catch your Dodo.
Decapitate and bone.
(If boiled for many hourf, ye bill may make a fuperlative and nourifhing – if, alaf, fomewhat noxioufftock.)
Roaft your Dodo in a clay oven, until ye characteriftic odour of urine ftartf to prevail.
At thif juncture, ye flefh fhould have developed a fine patina of verdigrif, fuch af will glow e’en in ye blackneff of ye night.
ftick ye Dodo in fome paftry which ye have preparèd earlier.
(A thoufand pardonf. My culinary fkillf are but meagre.)
fmear fome jam on top.
Plonk ye Dodo on ye oatcake.
Enfure that your gueftf have been furnifhèd with a goodly fupply of nofe pegf, with which to hold ye foul ftench at bay.
Retire to vomitorium at leifure.
Whereupon ye might care to contemplate ye wretchedneff of your lot.


8 thoughts on “Recipes of yesteryear.

  1. Please kind sir, could you provide more details on catching the said do-do

  2. Excellent. Obviously, it’s not as good with the synthetic Dodos you get these days, but I find that Dr. Melosophone’s Dried Japanese Crested Ibis Strips make a good natural equivalent if rehydrated with your own miturant.

  3. And what about the recipe for spaghetti?
    When you are fucking, try not to make too much meff.

    Pete on June 5, 2004

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