Oh, Jeremy Corbyn
from The Mask of Anarchy, by Percy Bysshe Shelley ‘Rise like Lions after slumber In unvanquishable number— Shake your chains to earth like dew Which in sleep had fallen on you— Ye are many—they are few.’
from The Mask of Anarchy, by Percy Bysshe Shelley ‘Rise like Lions after slumber In unvanquishable number— Shake your chains to earth like dew Which in sleep had fallen on you— Ye are many—they are few.’
A little while ago, I joined the Green Party. I used to be a member of the Labour Party but since they are no longer socialists, I had a change of heart. I was impressed by the Greens’ policies, they … Continue reading
My feelings about this whole referendum thing are purely that: feelings. Since I have no actual dog in this fight, my brain has not retained much in the way of economic arguments for or against Scottish Independence. I started off … Continue reading
This morning, twitter tells me two things: It’s a crappy time to be a pregnant princess. The government intends to ban internet porn. Now, had I been The Government and wanted to bury some news, this would be the day … Continue reading