Once upon a time, I was really really masculine. No, seriously, ask anyone that I went to school with. I was the hunkiest of the testosteroniest of the jockiest of the Men.
Many of you may remember Men Behaving Badly.
Tony: I’m sorry, look what happens when you live with a woman? She’ll fill the place with cushions.
Gary: Cushions, yeah.
That’s always stuck in my mind, for some reason. And it comes back particularly hard on occasions.

Well, yeah. But only really hard if they use them as weaponry.
Ahhh, soon you will enjoy the triumph that is ‘moving the cushions’ whilst you murmur the sacred ‘bloody useless things’ mantra.
I think women must have different shaped backs from us or something.
Oh, I love cushions! In fact, I was only browsing in Cargo HomeShop for some new cushions at the weekend. Sadly, they didn’t have any I liked, and I resolved to pay a visit to my nearest IKEA, where they have an astounding range of cushions.
That reminds me – I must get some more candles as well. You can never have too many candles.
Anyway, back to your post. What’s this ‘masculinity’ thing you mention?
Or only really really hard if you’ve filled them with sand. (Just a suggestion Karen, should the need arise.)
There seems to be an animal stuck in the middle there between some of the cushions.
So I’m not the only one that gets it in the neck for dumping all the cushions on the floor when I sit down? Someone, somewhere, was paid a lot of money to design that sofa so that it looks good and is comfortable… and then what do they do? I ask you, when have you ever seen cushions on sofas in Wallpaper magazine, hmm? And I wouldn’t call Tyler Brulé masculine either!
Here, here Graybo!! It’s a standing joke in our family. My Dad and I sit down. Pause, then dump the cushions on the floor.
As you say, designers spend a lot of time and effort (well some do) designing something that is comfy to sit on.. I can’t think of any that specify “cushions required”.
Ohh and Vaughan, you are right, you can never have enough candles. But that’s different. Somehow…
Glad you’re posting again Pete. Make you a deal: You keep posting, and I’ll keep drinking.
Oh come on, it’s hardly a designer sofa. The cushions cover up its many flaws, whilst also providing essential support to the lumbar region. They are not normally all lined up like that on one sofa, either; at least half of them live elsewhere. So there.
How about a ‘normal’ photo, then?
And let the vox populi decide?
Maybe a throw for the sofa then, Karen? That should really do his head in.
And some of those little boxes that are too small to put anything in.