We have addressed matters of motivation and sartory, and the next issue on our agenda is to master that fabulous trick that owls do with their necks where they rotate it by such a phenomenal angle that you lose track of which side of the owl is the front.
To do this, we must double the number of vertebrae in our neck from 7 to 14. So, conveniently enough, all we need to do is assimilate someone else’s neck.

This task being completed, we shall move swiftly on.
It’s a related fact that an owl’s eyes are more cylindrically shaped than our spherical efforts, which means that they can’t turn them side to side. However, I expect that they can probably do a cool rotatey kaleidoscope trick. Or perhaps not.
Chuckle. I can see Karen trying oh so hard not to crack up.
I keep wondering – what the hell brought this on?
I had no clue what was going on. I still don’t.
Who is holding the camera?
i thought the photo with the jumper could not be topped.
i was wrong.
Is no site worksafe anymore?