Continuing the series…
Back when I played Minecraft, before it was cool, Karen knitted me a creeper phone sock (and subsequently some matching creeper socks for my feet too).
I want to believe that this was one of those occasions where I made up a story for hyperbolic effect. I do that a lot. But every now and then I slip something truthful in, and it terrifies me to think that this might be one of those.
These two tweets together on the same day leave no doubt in my mind that this was the day we went to see The Woman In Black. I remember having a bottle of Gaviscon in my bag that day, and swigging from it frequently.
Presented without comment.
followed by:
While that image link does still work at the time of writing this, I want to embed the image below as well, just in case, because this is what web browsers looked like in 2011 and it’s glorious:
I had to cut down on my pork pie intake due to health reasons. This tweet was from a simpler time, back when I was barely into my thirties and could eat whatever I wanted.
Lots of nostalgia in that photo, including a cat who is sadly no longer with us.
Some things never change.
If you’ve ever wondered where the idea for apple drops from trees in Minecraft came from, it was me.
Dreaming the most perfect song in the world is something that happens to me quite frequently. The bit about crying though – that was a special occasion.
And in case you’re wondering, no this is not one of those occasions where I made up a story. This happened, and I remember it happening. Sadly, I do not remember the song.
…wait for it…
It’s not profound or anything, but it does possess a certain beauty.
In July there are a few tweets and retweets about the News Of The World hacking scandal, and also some stuff about my home brewed beer.
Sounds like it must have been a bad day.
That’s some pretty good holidaying there, 2011 Pete.
Maisy was such an adorable little bundle.

After having the bedroom redone the previous year, in 2011 we did the living room. I was particularly tickled by this pair of glasses that had been left inside the old fireplace, and wondered about the person who left them there, and whether they spent the rest of their life wondering where that pair of glasses could have got to.
And now I’ve got that song in my head.
We discovered a split in the cold water tank in our attic, which we then had replaced. I remember the plumber working quite late one evening to get the job finished, for which I’ve been forever grateful.
No, I can’t, and I refuse to believe that 2011 Pete could either. I think he was just being a tease.
And, to finish off the year:
The first tweet for 2012 is a beaut, but you’ll have to wait until the next instalment to find out what it is!
I have commentary.
Firstly, your sneezes have since become legendARY, so I can quite believe that.
Interesting to note that you had issues with reflux in 2011, isn’t it. See also, pork pies.
Ah Scrumpy Jack, from when I too was young enough to eat and drink whatever I liked. And now it’s all about finding out where to recycle medication blister packs.
Looks to me as though the apple drops were my idea.
I miss that sofa. And that cat.
The reflux in 2011 was very much an isolated occurrence, I don’t think it had any relation to the problems a few years later.
That sofa was pretty good, wasn’t it? Maybe we should have kept it, after all.