2016 gets off to a wonderful start with one of those tweets that hints that there must be more to this than meets the eye.
“Are you soliciting for charity?”
The smile freezes on his face. An eternity passes.
“Yes.”15 January 2016
I can imagine the slow dawning in his mind as he wondered if he could lie his way out of this one.
When a famous person dies, there is often quite a big fuss made of it on social media for a few days. I never generally get involved in that sort of thing, because what can I say that hasn’t already been said? The tweet above was my only acknowledgement when David Bowie died, which now in hindsight feels insufficient, given that we now know that it threw the entire universe off of its axis and the whole world started going to shit thereafter.
It’s quite amusing reading back all these tweets about beer and whiskey and other alcoholic drinks, because I know the plot twist that’s coming.
Violets are blue
Daisies are white
Daffodils are yellow
Venus fly traps are green
Cows goes moo
Hospital food sucks
Good day.14 February 2016
Violets are blue
Jaffa cakes are delicious
Sponsored tweet.14 February 2016
After the last valentine’s day tweet, these are far more tolerable.
Well done, Pete.
I wonder if she was trolling me.
Got some news for you, pal.
The first of those two got a like, AND a retweet! Not very often I land one in both columns.
This tweet has very little context around it, but I can tell from the date what this was about. After having been working at the same company for over 10 years, I was starting to look around, and things were starting to look quite promising with one particular company. It was finally starting to feel real that I might be handing in my notice any day now, which was a huge deal to me.
I created the account explicitly to communicate with someone who was not willing to communicate via any other means. They ended up being a total flake, so I was able to deactivate this account reasonably soon thereafter.
Horrifying. Someone out there “liked” this.
I call that poetry.
Still bragging about that, eh?

14 May 2016
The shed was quite a big project. For this first portion (making a concrete platform) Gammidgy did all the work while I took copious photos and updated Twitter.
This tweet occurred in the midst of my regular annual series of Eurovision-related tweets, so I imagine that this was probably some witty gag based on some similar-sounding lyrics. It got an unprecedented two likes and one retweet!

14 May 2016
After allowing two weeks for the concrete platform to dry, my dad came over to help erect the shed itself.

14 May 2016
Pretty nice looking if I do say so myself. I will admit that it doesn’t look quite this pristine six years later.
Of course, a big thing happened in June 2016, and as is par for the course, if everyone is talking about it then you know that I’ll probably be making minimal contributions to the conversation.
The secret to enchiladas is more cheese.
The boy: Muh?
Me: Fine. You “are” a pronoun.
The boy: Muh?
Me: Laugh. It’s funny.9 October 2016
Is it, though? At the time, I was sure it was.
I love this house rule, and I also love that this tweet got me two retweets and two likes, which is probably a new record. I haven’t been paying complete attention, I must confess.
The start of our Thames Path walk, which was a fairly hefty project that we didn’t complete until 2018.
The replacement of the sofa is another one of those life-changing events that I couldn’t allow to pass by without some kind of acknowledgement.

17 December 2016
This is funny and you know it.
Tina Turner terrifies me.
And this was my final tweet of the year. Another one of my oblique references to current events, in this case Richard Hammond had implied on his TV show that straight people don’t eat ice cream, which naturally didn’t go down terribly well with anyone with a shred of decency.
There we go! Another year down!