All the leaves….
All the leaves….
Mallard straggler. The Snow Geese are long gone. The Canada Geese are still moving out in droves. Ducks just putter around until ice forces them south.
Along the river
Back on the bike after too many months.
Everything shot on wonky out-dated point and shoot by incompetent operator.
This is the view from the spa last week, before the snow and the river flooding and the return to deep freeze temperatures. Even without all those, it doesn’t look warm and hospitable. It’s not. It’s been bleak here since … Continue reading
Canada has two winter sports passions- hockey and curling. The world understands hockey, it’s like any other team sport with opposing nets, except on ice with fights. Curling is just weird.
England is awash, America’s east coast is still frantically battling successive onslaughts of ice and snow while the west is a dust bowl and Quebec, is….Quebec. The plow’s been by four times in the past 48 hours, I’ve shovelled the … Continue reading