Cocktails later
All are welcome to join us on zoom at 5pm, when, if previous weeks are anything to go by, we will talk about cheese and not going out. Have you a cheese related cheesefactlet to share? We need you. Link … Continue reading
All are welcome to join us on zoom at 5pm, when, if previous weeks are anything to go by, we will talk about cheese and not going out. Have you a cheese related cheesefactlet to share? We need you. Link … Continue reading
It is VE day. In my line of work, a VE is quite a different thing, and the less said about that, the better. Here at Casa Uborka, we don’t go in for triumphant victory marches, but we do like … Continue reading
It’s been a mixed sort of week, and I’m looking forward to chilling with the gang later today. Link will be in the comments, or if you saved it last week it’s the same one.
Cocktails will be served this afternoon at 5pm in our pub. Inspired by Jon Richardson’s pub in his garage, I converted what is by daytime my workspace into a cosy snug bar, and invite you to join us with drinks, … Continue reading
Lockdown cocktails are now a normal thing at Casa Uborka on a Friday after “work,” for those of you who still take part in such mundane activities. Some of us are merrily furloughing along and spending our day acquiring and … Continue reading
You are all invited to join us for the now-weekly zoom cocktail hour, finest attire optional. Link will be in the comments later today.
And there shall be cocktails every Friday at 5, including this one. Do dress for the occasion! A zoom link will be posted in the comments here later today.
It’s good to periodically check on your supplies and make sure that you have enough of the essentials to last you for a few weeks. This isn’t even all of them.