July 19, 2004

Worrisome Canker Pig

Today I give you Agrius Narcissus, an insect held by many experts to be the most beautiful of its kind now living. I’m not sure I agree, but its carmine banding is a splendour to behold. The specimen I received … Continue reading

Doctor Pockless

i’m this week’s morrissey

I don’t want to be the asshole around here. I really don’t. … But, you play the personality you’re dealt. So in the spirit of anal retention, let’s all remember that spiders aren’t insects, MMM-KAY? That’s all! I’ll be in … Continue reading


Dumont no. 5 Stainless Steel Forceps

Let us begin the week with a specimen of the Ornithoptera Priamus Aureus, or the Jaded Merryboil, principally found in Alpine regions and certain suburbs of Swindon. I must say I was impressed by how neatly this little blighter was … Continue reading

Doctor Pockless
July 18, 2004


I live in a townhouse in a row of townhouses facing another row of townhouses. Between the two rows is a stretch of grass, spotted here and there with trees and shrubbery, and a pathway leading in and out. One … Continue reading


Die arachnid die

I hate spiders. Largely because they are evil like fu…. breath in breath out … calm. That and because I am arachnophobic. Badly. I once woke up to find a spider the size of my hand on the wall above … Continue reading


Gynandromorphic Speculation

Welcome to the first of my special lectures on the subject of lepidoptery. Over the course of the week we will look at a number of special butterflies and consider what we might learn not only about them, but also … Continue reading

Doctor Pockless
July 17, 2004

The Fleshy Comforts of The Mouth

When speaking of insects one tends to think immediately of those small air-breathing arthropods who are generally referred to as creepy-crawlies. Those many-legged ambassadors to the Wyrd that manifested themselves most grotesquely in Sartre’s nauseous terror that his tongue would … Continue reading

Doctor Pockless