May 27, 2004

Pick-a-Path Adventure

Time for a bit of role-playing: Your character is a single male New Zealander, just turned 27. You live in London, and have done so for three years. Education-wise, you have a degree in English Studies and another in Film … Continue reading

May 24, 2004

Then we take Berlin

Fine. He turns up days late and immediately starts lowering the tone. I’d invite him to step outside, but he seems to have Adrian Sleaze Bits on his side and I’m not sure I could take them both at once. … Continue reading

May 21, 2004


Well, I didn’t think that there’d be such a good selection of entries and while no-one discovered such classics as “I Killed My Lesbian Wife, Hung Her on a Meat Hook, and Now I Have a Three-Picture Deal at Disney“, … Continue reading


Uborka Street

INT. THE SAUSAGE AND CUCUMBER FREE HOUSE – EVENING The pub is quiet for a Friday night and only a few of the regulars are in. In the corner, PIX huddles over an empty table and pulls her coat tightly … Continue reading
