September 2, 2004

Chapter IX: The Timidity Plea

At the trial I decided to represent myself. My testimonial ran as follows: Over the course of the first year of their marriage, somewhere in the east, I’d gouged out her eyes with my trusted knife and I think the … Continue reading

Doctor Pockless

Chapter VIII: Pandora’s Inbox

Over the course of the first year of their marriage, Dorothy Sevitz had learnt to adjust her expectations downwards. Every evening – the very second that dinner was cleared away and the dishwasher loaded – Adrian would hastily mumble his … Continue reading

September 1, 2004

Chapter VI: Love at Last Sight

Before I knew what had happened, I’d gouged out her eyes with my trusted knife and stuffed the sockets with little bits of mangled fox. Whilst this superfluous act of gristly decoration might not have helped my case later on … Continue reading

Doctor Pockless

Chapter 5: Suspicion

I this point I began to become suspicious. Something was up. I think the girl was psycho. More psycho than girls in general are. Was I safe? I didn’t think so. All I had to go on was my SAS … Continue reading

August 31, 2004

Chapter 4: The next four minutes

What was it that I found so beguilingly familiar about that Bowie-eyed woman? My mind searched my memory in the same fruitless manner a man might pathetically grope around for his recently plucked and discarded eyeballs. As a logical and … Continue reading
