This afternoon’s cocktails will feature special guest Henry The Cat, and the tail [sic] of how Henry came to live with us. See you at 5 in the usual place!
This afternoon’s cocktails will feature special guest Henry The Cat, and the tail [sic] of how Henry came to live with us. See you at 5 in the usual place!
The cat balances on a box A slightly too-small box On top of another box. The cat shifts a hip To the other corner of the box, Twists into an @ Extends a paw Points her whiskers the other way … Continue reading
It’s a lovely evening so we’re in the garden with a beer. Have a great weekend!
It’s totally worth skipping to the last five minutes just to hear the bit where Maisy comes in.
Sarah says, “All I talk about is my cat, please help.” Congratulations! The first step towards recovery is admitting that you have a problem. You’ve clearly realised that other people might not share the same obsessive interest in your feline … Continue reading