February 9, 2014

Cloud Atlas

I tried. Honestly, I tried. I gave it an hour, and my will to live just sapped away. I’ve never read the book – I don’t know if that would’ve helped or hindered in watching the film. And honestly, I … Continue reading

February 4, 2014

Made In Dagenham

Reporter: What if Mrs. Castle says “no deal”? How will you cope then? Rita: Cope? How will we cope? We’re women. Now, don’t ask such stupid questions. I expect adjectives such as “gritty” are used to describe this sort of … Continue reading

January 30, 2014

Uborka Film Club

We’ve been here before. We’re going round in circles. I don’t think Gandalf meant us to come this way. Gandalf didn’t mean for a lot of things to happen Who wants to watch a film with us? What shall we … Continue reading
