6 thoughts on “Chick Flick, Actually

  1. Darling. Thanks for sharing that with the world. Darling.

    Pete on May 9, 2004
  2. I’m assuming Pete cried out of joy that it was over and that he could go barbecue?

  3. Well, y’know, chicks dig the whole sensitive guy thing.
    (grabs balls and readjusts them)
    Just giving the ladies what they want.

    Pete on May 10, 2004
  4. erm….
    Good morning all.
    I’d love to post this fine foggy morning, but, alas, the logon fairy has yet to find her way down to the south coast.
    I could always guest via the comments box but that would be silly, not to mention hard on the eyes.

    julia on May 10, 2004
  5. Your login should be enabled. Do you still have the username and password that I sent you a while back?

    Pete on May 10, 2004

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