No New Years Resolution this time, but I do squeeze this lovely little report into the end of January:
In February there was a big kerfuffle in the news about the meat in supermarket ready meals not being quite as advertised:
One of my favourite photos of Maisy. Look at me having fun with filters too. And the whole supermarket meat thing is still going on in March.
That’s a half-decent pun, nice one me. Still on a food theme:
Based on the date, I assume that this is with reference to Google Reader. The internet was never the same again.
This joke almost seems too good to have been original. Did I steal this from someone?
Ah the perils of parenting, and the uncertainty of that PG certificate.
This was in the midst of my “single malt scotch” phase, which would eventually be replaced by my “acid reflux” phase and my “heart arrhythmia” phase.
Ah this was a cool day – out of the blue Gammidgy contacted me and said he was going to Diamond Light Source for a tour that afternoon and asked if I wanted to come along.
Margaret Thatcher, I presume.
Mammoth was the social network that, briefly, was going to replace Twitter.
Small boy: “Hills. Hills are always sick. You have to get away from hills.”
You didn’t want context, right?13 April 2013
Back when I referred to my offspring as Small Boy, we had annual passes to Legoland and spent a lot of time there, generally traipsing round the same few attractions every time.
I’m so random.
Didn’t last long, did it?
I feel like at this point I’m starting to become self-aware of how often I tweet this.
Yeah you do. She’s just a weirdo.
I can confirm that this was not me “doing a bit”. It was fine once it dried out a bit more.
During the middle of this year there were numerous tweets about the station refurbishment in town. One of my concerns was about ticket barriers – the old station had never had ticket barriers, and the new main building definitely would. However, there was little communication about what would happen to the secondary entrance. Would they install ticket barriers there too? Or would they close it off entirely? Since that was the entrance I used, I was understandably concerned.
I then went out drinking, and on this occasion was being a pretentious drunk:
Give it a rest, will you? Arsehole.
Another one of those odd incidents where I feel like I didn’t really follow through completely.
Since then, things have gotten worse, not better.
Well at least now we know where the cat gets it from.
As predicted, yes I did get bald spots. I’ve stopped doing it now though.

28 October 2013
Back in simpler times, when a Pan-Asian buffet restaurant didn’t seem like the most unhygienic thing in the world.
Back when we used to go to restaurants, I really liked having a decent stockpile of £5 notes in my wallet to leave as tips.
As you can see, the whole beard-plucking thing was a big deal for me at the time.
I didn’t ask her permission before including that tweet in this article, because she might have said no.
I’m still going on about the beard thing.
Raining down
On my face
I tip the packet up
Oh yeah
I tip the packet up
Right up.4 December 2013
Stretching the boundaries of poetry again, I see.
But how do you know that she’s Danish? Don’t leave us ha…
Ahhhhh yeah that adds up.
We’re nearly at the end of the year. What nugget of wisdom will I finish the year on?
And then five years later I started experiencing afibrillations. Coincidence? Who knows.