We have reached 2020, that strange year which was only two years ago but it feels like ten.
Life was going pretty well for me in early January 2020. I was staring down the barrel of some fairly big life-altering changes, but optimistic with it. I was taking treatment for my acid reflux, which was working quite well, and hoping to get off of it soon. However I was experiencing a heart arrhythmia, which might have been being caused as a side-effect of the acid reflux treatment, but it was hard to know for sure.
I adopted this tweet format a few times, with mixed success.
My imposter syndrome: You haven’t forgotten I’m here, have you?28 January 2020
This is the fairly big life-altering change just alluded to.

6 February 2020
What can I say? This was a terrible day.

7 February 2020
Don’t worry, I didn’t publicly wallow in my grief for too long.
I think this is better than the meat sitcom idea.
This is useful for people whose showers take a long time to warm up.
Let’s assume that I was being tongue in cheek here. Otherwise, mate, I’ve got some bad news for you.
Back when this whole thing was still an exciting novelty that was all going to be over by June.
INDOORS23 March 2020
Ah yes, that bit where we were all quoting the Mitchell and Webb sketch, I remember that too.
Ways you know you’re living in a post-apocalyptic dystopia #557:
@erzsebel (unpacking shopping): [excited noises]
Me: what’s that?
@erzsebel (holding items aloft): I got kidney beans!28 March 2020
The stuff we joked about, eh?
Can you tell the difference? It’s not the night-and-day difference that I had been hoping for, I must admit.
This is the moment where you can see that the lockdown is starting to have a detrimental effect on me.
Of course, one of the benefits of the lockdown is that I managed to get an extra couple of years out of my mobile phone. The battery life was in a bad way, but if you never leave the house, it doesn’t really matter.
I’m pretty sure Bernard is old enough for it now, but I’ve lost track of whether I’ve actually told it or not.
It’s a running joke in our household that I’m scared of birds, and I play along because it’s cute.
I think I probably wrote this after eating (and enjoying) some BBQ flavour popchips, which are probably the closest thing we’re ever going to get.
The word here that leaps out at me most now is “friend”.
A deadpan delivery of this punchline would have been ideal, but I was just way too excited for that to even remotely be a possibility.
Henry wasn’t the immediate replacement for Maisy – that honour would go to Barney, who was with us for all of about 5 minutes. There’s a whole story there, remind me to tell you sometime. If you’re interested in learning more about Henry, I wrote a blog post.
Seems like a pleasant little local sunset photo.
Henry did have certain talents.
We introduced this routine during the covid lockdown. Since then, it has gradually morphed into “watch television, just like any other night, but with a bowl of nuts”.
This tweet in itself isn’t of particular interest, until you consider this one from less than two years later:
But let’s stop time-travelling, let’s see what our final tweet for 2020 was.
It makes you very “Pete”, Pete.