About Pete

Founding father of Uborka, and pioneer of the really-long straw.


January 17, 2017

Gig Photography

If you listened to Uborkast last year then you may remember me mentioning my intention to try out some gig photography. Well, it took me a little while, but I finally got round to it! On Saturday night I took … Continue reading

January 5, 2017


I’ve been wearing glasses for about twenty-five years, and sometimes contact lenses, though rarely at the same time. My prescription has remained fairly constant for the last ten or fifteen years, and so it’s been an impediment that hasn’t given … Continue reading

December 11, 2016

Garden Furniture

When we first moved into this house ten years ago, we had no furniture, so we spent the first week making do with the dregs that the previous occupant had left behind. As a result, there was a certain amount … Continue reading

November 8, 2016

Technology at a glacial pace

If you existed in January 2014, you might recall a blog post in which I reminisced about every single mobile phone I’ve ever owned. At the time, I’d been in possession of the fantastic Nexus 4 for nearly a year, … Continue reading
