Bar’s Open
Last night I turned up to run an antenatal class, opened the boot of my car, and realised that I had forgotten to pack my teaching kit. Luckily I had my refreshments bag, a pencil case with pens and scraps … Continue reading
Last night I turned up to run an antenatal class, opened the boot of my car, and realised that I had forgotten to pack my teaching kit. Luckily I had my refreshments bag, a pencil case with pens and scraps … Continue reading
Here in the UborkaChef kitchen tonight we have four contestants facing up to the butternut squash challenge: to make an interesting and tasty meal using butternut squash as the main ingredient, and to come up with a matching cocktail. Cooking … Continue reading
It’s butternut squash day. What are you going to do with yours?
Like so many of the Uborka crowd, sleep is a subject dear to my heart. As a lifelong insomniac (with occasional breaks), as the mother of a child who didn’t sleep through the night until the age of 5, as … Continue reading
Saturday: 3 hour antenatal class in Henley, drive home, train to Richmond, chocolate shop, meet up with Pete’s mum and sister, early dinner at Giuliano’s, geocaching on the bridge, train home, vomity child, collapse on sofa.
It’s a select gathering tonight. Here in Casa Uborka, I’m eating crisps for tea and finishing off the miraculously leftover wine from last night. Pete’s gone out to play poker, which if he’s any good at it, might be his … Continue reading
Bring some virtual hugs for Pete, who is having a tough time at work; and high fives for me as I picked up a new job this week. What’s your working week been like? [n.b. drinks will be served later … Continue reading
Over the last two weeks we’ve had some walls plastered and painted, and a heating engineer has been in to scratch his chin and tell us how much it will cost to sort out the central heating (to fix a … Continue reading