August 27, 2004


No, not an irrational fear of a certain model of crap car, but slang for drinkytime. The inimitable Doctor Pockless is trying to keep his fear of the lesser spotted belfry bat at bay with small, but regular doses of … Continue reading

August 26, 2004

All my fears – revealed!

I’ve been staring at the latest Uborka theme all week, thinking that I really ought to write something about it. Indeed, if I were to forget my natural unassuming modesty, I could almost imagine that some people might have been … Continue reading

August 25, 2004

I fear thirst. And other things.

I’m off travelling for work this afternoon, and won’t get back until after the usual cocktail hour on Friday. I’m afraid that I’ll be thirsty. So I’m going to put my order in for vodka and tonic right now. But … Continue reading

August 24, 2004

On Blindness and Lunacy

I dare not put what I am most afraid of into words. In order for it not to overwhelm me it must remain nebulous and unacknowledged, forever at arm’s length from my conscience. In as much as I am willing … Continue reading

Doctor Pockless
August 23, 2004


This millennium, there have been two occasions in which I have come very close to being deaded (there were some last millennium as well, but you tend not to appreciate these things as a teenager). The first was a car … Continue reading

August 22, 2004

My Subconscious

Stupid, maybe, but true. I suspect there’s some sort of control room in the deep recesses of the lump of grey goo I occasionally use for thinking which could present reasons to justify why it happens, but sometimes I scare … Continue reading

August 19, 2004

Dear Kate

Hello. I am an administrative assistant for the Powers That Be, and am writing on their behalf. The Powers That Be wish to express their surprise at your faith in them to alleviate loneliness, financial distress, unemployment and a number … Continue reading

August 18, 2004

I don’t write letters

I wrote a letter once. I was in Israel. I met a girl. She seemed nice. I wanted to kiss her. I didn’t. I’m shy. I wrote her an 8 page letter. In the dark. I have no idea what … Continue reading
