July 4, 2004

Lets Put On A Play

I’m not really the kind of guy who goes to theatreland, despite there being a direct bus route connecting me to the breathing heart and soul of a fantastical array of productions. Sure I’ve been to see the obligatory Cats … Continue reading

July 3, 2004

A gun is just a gun

I used to work in a Blockbuster video store, many moons ago, and it was a pretty awful job. The only real delight was in ordering obscure films from other branches just to annoy their sales assistants. Since leaving that … Continue reading


Screen Legends

I feel honored that Mark and I have been allowed final guest privileges before the new iteration of Uborka goes live. I’ve seen a sneak peek of it and wow is it amazing. No, I’m lying, in fact I haven’t … Continue reading

July 1, 2004


Phase Three: What shall it be? Can it be as thrilling as the U-bor-gy?


Girls, a User Guide: Part 6 – N

N is for NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [internet explorer crashed and lost the magnificence that was this particular instalment of the guide] There has been much weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth, particularly since I now need to get back to work. Retyped … Continue reading

June 18, 2004

How To… Be A Link-Whore

1. Wonder how you can shoe-horn a link into one of your posts 2. Realise that with his greater guest-week experience, your co-guest has chosen a much better theme than you 3. Get over your theme-envy by just stealing his … Continue reading

June 17, 2004

The Bumps

I mentioned yesterday that one of the things leading up to May Week was The Bumps. Not a very descriptive name, is it? Well, once you know what it entails, it is quite descriptive, but I remember not having a … Continue reading
