July 31, 2013

Uborka Running Club

We’ve been away on holiday for a few days (hence the absence of “Where Are They Now” yesterday, and other various omissions) but I’ve been back at work today. Karen’s still off on holiday with Bernard, so normal service won’t be resumed until next week, but I’ve got a few minutes here and there so I can at least put up a cursory running club post.

I don’t run. This is partly because I’ve noticed how Karen seems to spend more time recovering from injuries than actually running, and partly because I don’t want to. However, since we tidied out the garage a couple of weeks back I can actually get my bike out again. And since Karen said cyclists were welcome in the running club, well here I am.

Back in 2008 I used to cycle to work. Since then, apart from a phase last year when Karen and I did a bit of Pilates at home, I’ve gradually let myself go. In the last year, I’ve noticed that sometimes in a photo my stomach will be apparent in ways that it never used to be. Not in every photo, but enough to make me self-conscious. So I’m quite pleased to regain this opportunity to grab a bit of exercise now and then. I’m also very pleased to save money on train tickets, because First Great Western are bastards.

I’ve installed MapMyRide on my phone because my cycle computer is busted (once upon a time I turned my bike upside down to do some maintenance, and managed to grind the mounting bracket into dust).

On Thursday last week it took me 41:30 to do 5.5 miles into work ((my regular run is 5 miles, but because I wasn’t sure if the rights of way would have changed in the intervening 5 years, I played it safe and took a longer route on this one occasion)), and then 29:30 to do the 5 miles back with a very sore arse. Today, 30:30 to do 5 miles into work and 26:00 to come back. As you can tell, there’s a lot more uphill in the mornings.

I’ve managed to dig out my spreadsheet from 2007, which was the first year that I cycled into work. Pleasingly, my times today were actually better than my regular times back in 2007 (though not on a par with my fastest from that year, which was a few days in October when I decided to really go for it). From this, I draw two conclusions:

1. I can afford to slow down a bit and maybe arrive at my destination a little less sweaty.
2. My fitness level apparently hasn’t deteriorated as much as I thought. I think that the aforementioned belly problem might just be down to less well-toned stomach muscles.

I’ve also discovered that I had my cycle computer set up wrong in 2007 as it was overreporting my distance by 0.1 miles, and as a result underreporting my speed by 0.3mph.

How about you, runners and cyclists? How’s your week been?


7 thoughts on “Uborka Running Club

  1. On track for 5K race on Sunday. Last night was the last “long” training run (a shorter one in Friday), clocked up 4.85k in 33mins. Quite happy with that as it included a large, long hill!!

  2. Well done Gordon!

    Wishing you lots of luck for Sunday.

    I’ve tried two runs since last time, and failed at both of them (though I accept I did not fail entirely – I did get up, go out and run, though not as much as I wanted to).

    Both times were very hot and I didn’t have quite enough water with me. Lesson learned.

    Also need to carve out time to run more frequently. Once a week just isn’t enough.

  3. Great stuff, Gordon.
    I see I’m going to have to get a bicycle computer.

    So far in the past week I’ve only managed approx 10k at a quite leisurely pace. I’m still not allowed to do hills. Cartilage and bone fragments did a bit of a pas de deux Tuesday, sending me back to cane for 48hrs.

    Saturday we’re off to bike paths along the country locks. 30k is planned.

  4. Well done Gordon! Getting to the starting line is the hard part, and the race should be a breeze. Enjoy it.
    Asta – if you have an iPhone or similar, then you can track your cycling on one of the myriad apps. When I get on my bike, I just track using the same one I run with – Runkeeper – and it gives me a decent idea of distance and speed and the like. No need to spend a pile of cash.

    As for my own running, I’ve been building myself back up to about three runs a week after my recent injury problems. Still not 100%, and this week my running was complicated by numb, dead legs and feet, but I seem to be getting faster again. It’s hard work, but this pleases me greatly.
    As I said the other week, I’m a masochist and love running when it’s absurdly hot as I feel like the harder I work the more worthwhile it is. I’m swimming tonight, and it’s just not the same.

  5. I’ve been enjoying the novelty of running on the hilly terrain of the Peak District, where I managed three runs over the last week. As instructed by my physio, I iced my ankle after each run, which involved sitting with my foot up being interrogated by various members of my family about whether or not running was really, actually good for me, or not. A supportive bunch.

  6. No smart phones here, and I see I can get a half decent wireless bike odometer for about $50. Will think about it.

    Estimating with a map is good enough for now.

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