About Pete

Founding father of Uborka, and pioneer of the really-long straw.


November 8, 2015

Building A Pip-Boy (Part 2)

Continues from here The end product of my first building session was far too bulky, in all directions, so today’s work is going to be all around shaving off unnecessary polystyrene. Where possible, I don’t want to disturb a smooth … Continue reading

July 10, 2015

Spudwatch in July

So there’s a rumour going around that I forgot about Spudwatch. I don’t know where this filthy rumour started, but it’s a complete lie, and it was my intention all along to allow the potato plants to grow to their … Continue reading

July 8, 2015

Pioneer DEH-4700BT

Recently I went shopping for a new car stereo. I wrote about my experience here, but also hinted at a problem with the Pioneer DEH-4700BT which is not quite enough to justify returning it to Halfords (I never want to … Continue reading

July 7, 2015

Shopping For Car Stereos

Attentive readers will recall that the display on our car stereo has been going for a while. Inattentive readers may wish to refresh their memories. Since October, and that ill-fated dalliance with a cheap car stereo, we’ve been bumbling along … Continue reading
