Bar’s Open
Self-service cocktails again today; the theme is the best meal you ever had…
Self-service cocktails again today; the theme is the best meal you ever had…
I’ve never visited York before. We had some holiday time, so we thought why not? And to make it a bit more holidayesque we treated ourselves to first class on the train up. I could definitely get used to first … Continue reading
Newborka! has been around for just over a year now. Every now and then I fall into the archives and remain lost for days. Today’s accidental trawl through the ancient dust-covered tomes of our history has raised the following questions: … Continue reading
“Can I play on my tab?” “If a girl-brother is called a sister, what’s a girl-cousin called?” “Are all these people in my family?” “Why do they keep calling you Kaaaaaar-ren?” “Can we go home yet?” “Can I have something … Continue reading
Now is an appropriate time to serve up those cocktails – Late. Like some of the people we’re reminded of. I was going to serve everyone with Midnight Mementos, but frankly they look/sound bloody awful. So instead, Karen’s drinking a … Continue reading
The human overlords™ are away today so it’s been devolved to Yours Truly for Cocktails. You’d think they’d have learned by now, but no… So. With Mortality being at the forefront of the mind/attention in various abodes, today’s one is … Continue reading
Tell me about your insomnia. Back end of last year, I thought I was cured forever. Turns out I was only cured until Christmas. Last night I was still awake at 3am, which made my 6am wake-up call from the … Continue reading
Another of my Great-Aunts has died. I only have one left now. The funeral is reasonably local, and my mum will come and stay so that she can travel from here, and I will go with her. But will I … Continue reading