June 28, 2013

Gotta Have Cocktails

Ladies and gentlemen, please take your pews in the Church of Uborka, for a service celebrating faith, which is officially defined in your prayer books as the triumph of hope over rational thought. One of the main tenets of Uborkanism … Continue reading


Bar’s Open

In all areas of my life I follow the edict never to argue about religion or politics. All areas except uborka, it seems ((there was also a small amount of pro-life embroilment on twitter)). I’m grateful for everyone’s input yesterday; … Continue reading

June 24, 2013

Perchance to Dream

Over the last seven years I may have mentioned sleep a couple of times. My difficulty in getting to sleep precedes parenthood, and appears to be a genetic thing, despite having a very different parenting style from my mother, Bernard … Continue reading

June 21, 2013

Midsummer Happy Hour

This has been a productive day, with much grateful thanks to the cake-doulas of twitter who helped me to produce what may or may not be a fine chocolate sponge for the birthday party this weekend. I have made the … Continue reading
