June 13, 2014

Bar’s Open

As everyone knows, insects will be our main source of protein in 50 years. Snappy’s already started. Pint of beetles, anyone?

June 11, 2014

Just a normal weekday morning

4.30am The birds start to sing. I reach for my eyemask and wish I had earplugs too. At some point, Pete shoos the cat off the windowsill where she is taunting a cackling magpie. 6.00am I notice that our bedroom … Continue reading

June 6, 2014

Bar’s Open

This weekend we’re going to a food festival, so today it’s food festival cocktails. What stall would you run at the Uborka! Festival of Food? I’m going to have a bread stall, and drink Pimms until I’m too drunk to … Continue reading

May 2, 2014

Unsavoury Marys

Rather than write a traditional cocktail post, I thought I would share with you the Comment That WordPress Wouldn’t Allow, from the man himself, Doctor Pockless: If an alcohol free mojito is a nojito (which it isn’t) then once rum … Continue reading


Bar’s Open

I am writing and scheduling this post from a small exclusive party at the Castle Pockless, which is almost entirely devoid of furniture. The good doctor’s worldly goods have mostly been sent abroad on his foreign travels, and the man … Continue reading
