O Clouds Unfold!

Bring Bow of burning gold: Bring Arrows of desire: Bring me Spear: O clouds unfold! And though I rest from Mental Fight, And though sword sleeps in hand I will not rest til Jerusalem is built In Englands green and … Continue reading

Doctor Pockless

Cast your cares away…

Ideally the contributed tracks should represent you, or reflect the personality of your weblog [if any], or somehow summarise the last six months of your life. That sort of thing. Given that this was my idea, I’m somewhat embarrassed (and … Continue reading


No Colours Anymore

Choosing a song for the UborMix (UberMix?) has been harder than I thought. It doesn’t help that I slammed Mark for his choice of artiste and in doing so, left myself wide open for criticism of my own preferences. (Hang … Continue reading

July 14, 2004

all brine and piss and vinegar

I can’t remember a time when The Decemberists weren’t among my favorite bands, even though it was only a few months ago that I first came across their music. “Grace Cathedral Hill,” a ballad (ballad? that seems too cheesy, like … Continue reading



Having used up all of my song-related anecdotes with my 31 Songs misadventure last December, it was natural to turn to the music I’ve collected this year for inspiration. Not that that limits me to newly released CDs; the steady … Continue reading
