June 25, 2004

Venus: Kittentails

Ah, the bullfruit of relationships! It’s amazing how many of you sidled up to the bar when it came to finding alcoholic ways to slam your mates, future mates, and ex mates. martian-venusian harmony relations be damned, eh? We’ve only … Continue reading


Mars: Cocktails

Imagine a smooth, liquid transition from the theme of the weeks’ writings into a marvellously witty angle on serving cocktails. Imagine how we may have sown the seeds of this approach in earlier articles, building up in a spectacularly planned … Continue reading


Mars: Marriage

This is it, gents. The big one. In the relationship game of chess, this is checkmate, this is the goal. Much like chess, in fact, bringing it about will involve a lot of contrived manoeuvring, and planning as many moves … Continue reading

June 23, 2004

Venus: Arguments

Look, the sad fact of the matter is, even the most free-wheeling, man-eating happy single gal out there will eventually find that apartments are cheaper for two serious relationships are worth the effort. But oy VEY how much effort? The … Continue reading


Mars: Arguments

Into every life a little rain must fall. If something goes awry and your lady is not happy, then things are looking bad. You’ve obviously made a mistake somewhere along the line, or that angelic beauty of yours would not … Continue reading

June 22, 2004

Venus: Sex

Sex for women is a complicated, emotional thing. We must understand that it is not our personal climax that is the most important, but rather how well we connect with our lovers and enjoy the mutual pleasure of being blah … Continue reading


Mars: Sex

There is a saying; ‘ladies first’. This is clearly only applicable in sexual situations with three or more participants, so for the purposes of today’s post we shall have to adapt it to ‘lady first’. Sexual intercourse, or ‘fruiting’, is … Continue reading
