June 21, 2004

Venus: Dating

Perhaps you’re under the impression that dating is a complicated, delicate jeux a deux. That’s where you’re wrong. Here’s the wonderful thing about being a woman – you’re pretty much completely in charge. When those Martians (via methods and technologies … Continue reading


Mars: Dating

The first tentative hours in each others’ company are essential in setting the tone of any burgeoning relationship and are disproportionately crucial in getting any girl to ever even think of walking down the aisle with you. So, as a … Continue reading


Introducing Mars and Venus

Men and Women are very different. It is said that men are from Mars and women are from Venus, and this poses some very interesting questions. Which gender took the time and trouble to develop a sound agricultural and primary … Continue reading


How To… Serve Drinks

Ladies and Gentlemen, the bar is open. Sit the f*ck down, shut the f*ck up. You’ll get the drinks in a minute – but if you don’t quieten down, I’ll throw ’em at you.


How To… Take Drinks Orders

In my experience, particularly when busy, the best way is to stand behind the bar and yell “What the f*ck do you want to drink, you ravening hordes of b@st@rds?” Of course, that wouldn’t suit you genteel Uborka sorts. So … Continue reading

June 16, 2004

May Week (Full Version)

This week in Cambride is May Week. As Vaughan pointed out earlier, it is now June. Not even early June either. Quite how a university which prides itself in being one of the best in the world manages not to … Continue reading
