August 6, 2004

Ode to a cocktail

Welcome to everyone, and let me say: cheers, I hope you enjoy all these cocktails and beers. For Graybo, Destructor, Pockless and Lyle Who all have been drinking round here for a while; Not to mention Sevitz AKA Ade, Who … Continue reading

August 5, 2004


I’ve been trying to think of something that rhymes, But it turns out, I’ve just not had the time.

August 2, 2004


Without internet Access at my apartment I do not blog much.


Night bus

This is the Night Bus crossing the boroughs, Carrying the drunken office worker, Leaving Notting Hill, passing Marble Arch, Selfridges corner, Bond Street and more. Pulling up sharply, bell not rung in time: The driver’s uncaring, he’s running to time. … Continue reading


Rhyming Slang

I know I have posted this before, but I couldn’t let poetry week go by without my favourite poem. Roses are red Violets are blue This poem should rhyme But it doesn’t!

July 26, 2004

Load Testing Begins

I wanted to post an update on how the carpentry is going, but I didn’t want to be off topic. Please caption my handiwork.
