A new solo song!
Once upon a time, when I was in band(s) in which I had a lot of creative influence, I used to write and record songs on a fairly regular basis. When the band activity slowed down, I continued to do … Continue reading
Once upon a time, when I was in band(s) in which I had a lot of creative influence, I used to write and record songs on a fairly regular basis. When the band activity slowed down, I continued to do … Continue reading
I’d like to ask you all to have a drink But payment must forsooth be forthcoming; A rhyming couplet, limerick or worse – You’re free to choose the format of your verse. We’d like a crowd-sourced sonnet if we can, … Continue reading
Today is World Book Day, which means every school in England has a fancy dress day, except for Bernard’s school which is having a Lent assembly instead. They are dressing up next Friday, which gives me more time to figure … Continue reading
Have I really been listening to this album for an entire month? Well, no not really. I haven’t been in the car much recently, and that’s where I normally do most of my music-listening. However, I think I’ve heard enough … Continue reading
Readers be ye warned! Spoilers will abound from this point onwards. Book One is comprised of four chapters (1. Boy with a Skull — 2. The Anatomy Lesson — 3. Park Avenue — 4. Morphine Lollipop) and I think we’ll be discussing events … Continue reading
Uborkans of the literary persuasion (and let’s face it, this is probably most of you) rejoice! Bang the gavel! Raise your wine glasses or teacups, depending on your preferred beverage for reading accompaniment! For the first installment of Uborka’s 2014 … Continue reading
Bernard’s favourite album is NOW 35 which is a source of some shame. However, today we are listening to The Best… Album In The World… Ever (volume 5). “Have you listened to this album before?” I ask. “No”, he replies. … Continue reading
I tried. Honestly, I tried. I gave it an hour, and my will to live just sapped away. I’ve never read the book – I don’t know if that would’ve helped or hindered in watching the film. And honestly, I … Continue reading