August 18, 2004

Dear Sirs

I write in application for any suitable position in office management, quality management, or administration. I am currently employed on a six month contract with a large local recruitment agency, which will end at the end of August. My remit … Continue reading

August 16, 2004

Dear Doctor Pockless

Thank you for your letter. I hope we’re not being too esoteric in discussing so much of our correspondence during the years since we both left home. I remember well those long rambling epistles, usually written on the back of … Continue reading

August 14, 2004

A letter.

For this theme, I decided that I would dig out my old love letter archive and find something reasonably suitable to be extracted and posted. However, when I looked in my super secret private folder where I keep them, they … Continue reading

August 13, 2004

If you can’t beat them, join them

Fabulous advice in last Sunday’s Observer: The Problem: Wife discovers husband is looking at SM porn on the internet. She is disgusted, and he refuses to give up his interests. The Advice: Mariella Frostrup tells wife to get over herself; … Continue reading



Thirsty work, these fetishes. You’ll be wanting a drink; And all you have to do is confess to your kink. Mine’s a bloody mary, and a bit of a thing about corsets.

August 12, 2004

Where are the lay-deez

Interestingly, a theme of kink has only men posting. Interestingly, a theme of kink has only me posting about perversion, not perverting the theme (although Dan and D were not that far off the money in fairness) I might have … Continue reading

August 11, 2004


Aaah oooh aaaaa yeah If anyone wants a longer one, let me know. I can give you a full 5 minute one.
