May 17, 2004

Current affairs

Back to todays news. US State recognises gay marriages. In an unprecedented move today, the state of Masachusetts published a guide for all citizens giving them details about how to recognise gay marriages. State spokesman Daryl D. admitted today that … Continue reading


And now the news.

Welcome back to Channel Uborka where we take a quick look at some of the major headlines of the last few weeks. Ex-KGB man backs new MI6 chief Ex-KGB man and present KGB woman Inna Traktorfaktori said in an interview … Continue reading

May 14, 2004


today’s theme is ‘my first alcoholic drink’, if you please. what are we having, then?

May 12, 2004

End of season special

There are only two guests left, after Julia and Estee. Then what will we do? Pete says he will probably go on hiatus. I probably won’t. Or **YOU** could volunteer to guest for us! You know you want to.

May 11, 2004

my first guest post

also marks my first time ever guest blogging. (or blog-sitting? nice digs, by the way. i’ve been wandering through the kitchen and the laundry room and admiring your storage and trying to figure out how to use your microwave. it’s … Continue reading

May 10, 2004

My First … guest post

Estee and I, sadly lacking in both the wit and imagination of previous guests here at uborka, struggled and then finally came up with a theme. Well, a theme of sorts. We would do a series entitled My First …, … Continue reading
