January 23, 2022

The Big Website Consolidation 2022

The first website domain I ever registered was way back, probably in 2002. A lot happened back then, so it seems likely. Since then, I have registered a few more. I’ve also noticed that over the years my preferred supplier has changed too. Once upon a time I swore by 34sp, as did most bloggers, as they offered a really competitively-priced hosting package. They then shifted their target market and their prices went up from about £20 per year to more like £100. So I moved on, and TSO became my preferred supplier of choice. However, they were recently purchased by GoDaddy, and have also increased their prices while simultaneously reducing their offering, so I’ve moved on again.

Problematically, in all of these years, I’ve tended to shy away from actually migrating my site, meaning that I have ended up with a scattering of domains across three providers, and subsequently I am paying a lot more than I need to. I’ve decided that 2022 is the year to address this. It’s the year of the big consolidation. I’ve managed to do two of my sites already, without too much disruption. Uborka’s probably going to be next.

There will probably be some downtime, though I expect you won’t notice. I’m hoping not to delete the entire site, though I can’t make any promises.

January 2, 2022

2021: Top Ten Books

This year I’ve read even less than last year. I blame Stardew Valley and the continued lack of work travel. Of the paltry 37 books I did manage to read, for the first time five of them are actually audiobooks, and they have crept into the list in two ways: Firstly, what travelling we have done, has been as a family for a couple of short breaks, and we have started listening to audiobooks together on journeys. We all really liked The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, which Pete and I had both read before, and we all equally disliked Dave Grohl’s The Storyteller, which is largely self-indulgent twaddle. Secondly, sometimes I listen to music while I’m running, and sometimes I listen to podcasts; now I also listen to audiobooks.

So anyway, which have been the best books? There are in fact eleven in this top ten, but these are featured in no particular order because deciding on an order is an intellectual challenge too far.

A Song of Achilles, and Circe, both by Madeleine Miller
I ended 2020 with The Children of Jocasta, by Natalie Haynes, and immediately followed it with these two, as I do love a well-researched retelling of the classics, with a strong feminist lean, and Madeleine Miller does this quite as well as dear Natalie. Both of these books have stayed with me, details re-occurring throughout the year, and I think somewhere I have recently come across a retelling of Thetis’ tale, which I should probably look into. For your amusement, I followed these two with The Argonauts by Maggie Nelson, which was not in fact a retelling of a classic tale at all, but an early stage of my education about trans issues.

Journey Through Britain, by John Hillaby
You’ll know that in the past I’ve read quite a number of hiking memoirs, and often despaired that the Venn diagram of long distance walkers and good writers does not have a very large shared set. Journey Through Britain is considered something of a grandfather of hiking memoirs, written in the 1960s before technical fabrics and support-insoled hiking boots were a thing. Hillaby has an endearingly arrogant old white blokish sort of style, and walks Lands End to John O’Groats in plimsolls. It’s impressive.

Waterlog, by Roger Deakin
Similarly, this is the grandfather of swimming memoirs, written in the late 1980s. Deakin claims he is swimming the length of Britain, although while he does dip into quite a number of different places, there is no clear linear plan. He just swims where he feels like it, and why not. We newbie wild swimmers of the 2020s may be shocked by his solo ventures and reckless dives – just wait to the bit where he swims alone down a pothole in the Yorkshire Dales, it’s astonishingly dangerous stuff. However he does evoke the most glorious freshwater experiences, and inspire the reader to want to holiday near the sea for a long period of time and swim two or three times a day. Delightful.

In The Darkroom, by Susan Faludi
This too is a memoir. Faludi’s hungarian father transitions in her 70s to live as a woman, and Faludi writes about how this reframes her perspective on her relationship with her father, and their difficult history. Really fascinating both as a personal journey, an exploration of one particular transgender experience, and also as a bonus, the political history of Hungary. This book was a surprising, transformative read.

Mothership, by Frances Segal
Another memoir! Segal’s twin daughters are born prematurely, and spend the first several months of their lives in NICU. Segal writes about forming a relationship with them through their plastic incubators, her first opportunity to hold them, the camaraderie of the expressing room, the everyday terror of losing them as they struggle to survive. Gripping and heartbreaking, this book is an insight into the importance of relationships in new parenthood, from an angle we might not often consider. Could not put this down, in case something happened to one of the babies while I was away.

Bee Season, by Myla Goldberg
I don’t seem to have read much fiction this year, not sure why my to-read shelf is so full of Serious Educational Tomes. Bee Season was a nice break from all that, which I knocked off in a day, possibly when I was recovering from my covid booster. Delightfully geeky and unexpectedly twisty, just what we want from our escapes into fiction these days.

White Fragility, by Robin diAngelo
A friend of mine introduced me to Libby, the free library app, which has audiobooks available. It doesn’t have many, but by some lucky coincidence, it did have the very first book I searched for (setting up some high and to-be-disappointed expectations), which was this. White Fragility has changed my understanding of race and racism, in ways I have found incredibly helpful. Alongside probably many other charities, we have been doing lots of anti-bias/cultural safety/not being racist training in work this year, so I know I have a huge amount of work to do, and listening to this while running was great because I so rarely have the mental space to process this sort of thinking, and running does give me that. diAngelo absolutely pulls no punches in this book, and it was again a transformative experience.

Man and woman, outdoors, presumably at the Also Festival

Also Festival 2021

The Art of Rest, by Claudia Hammond
I always make it a point to buy a book at the Also Festival, and while 2020’s festival went digital (giving us a lovely weekend of talks from the comfort of our sofa), I still did buy something, and it was this. It then sat on my shelf for the rest of 2020 and most of 2021, I think because I became less strict about taking things off the to-read shelf in the right order, and somehow during all that enforced rest, I felt no need to read about the subject. Often I will skim these interesting sciencey books that I buy slightly out of obligation, but I read every word of this and was pleased to discover that reading was in fact the official best way to have a rest. I already knew that, but if Claudia Hammond says it, then it must be true.

(M)Otherhood, by Pragya Agarwal
In fact, the Also Festival did go ahead in 2021, back in the field where it was supposed to be. We went, and had a nice time. Pragya Agarwal was one of the speakers I was particularly looking forward to, and wouldn’t you know it, her talk about her book Sway (which I also read this year) clashed with Jamie Bartlett, and that was a very difficult decision. I did get to listen to her smaller-scale (no slides) talk on (M)Otherhood, and then bought it and she signed it for me, and we follow each other on twitter and sometimes she replies to me, which makes me squee a bit. Anyway, the book. Another memoir! This one winds together the author’s personal story of motherhood, abortion, infertility and surrogacy, with a wider exploration of those issues within global society. This is not just a book for women, or for mothers, but a well-researched and evidenced book on how society views and values (or doesn’t value) women and motherhood, and why this matters for every human on the planet.

Queen Victoria’s Mysterious Daughter, by Lucinda Hawksley
I’m just going to tell you that this is the best work of non-fiction writing that I have ever read. I have absolutely no interest in Princess Louise, or Victorian society, or royalty: none. This book was on my shelf after meeting the author, again at the Also Festival – in fact she sat down and had lunch with Susan and me, and we had both read another of her books, March Women March, and she told us about this one which I think had just come out, so yes I went ahead and bought it (though failed to get it signed). Lucinda is the great-great-great grandaughter of Charles Dickens and the sister of a former colleague of mine, and a generally lovely person who once agreed to do a podcast with me. Princess Louise, who I had never heard of, was a strong woman living in difficult times, and while having no interest whatsoever, as I may have mentioned, I was utterly glued to this book. With writing like this, absolutely anyone would become interesting – it’s testament to the fact that the author failed to find out any details of the juciest scandal of Princess Louise’s life, and yet made the mystery around that, its context and consequences, into such a gripping biography. Bloody well done, I say.

I finished Princess Louise last night, and quite fancy a bit of fiction now, as a small palate-cleanser. My unconscious decision to lean into memoirs is still evident from my to-read shelf, so expect more of the same next January. It seems like this year, the books I’ve liked the most have generally been ones that were good for me, and I’m self-indulgently intrigued at why this has become such a focus. Maybe I’ll blog about that, when I figure it out.

  • Comments: 2
  • It started off okay, but once we got deep into the post-Nirvana years, there was way too m... - Pete
  • Sorry to hear that the Dave Grohl one was toss. - Lyle
January 1, 2022

Pandemic Legacy: November / December (Part One)

WARNING: This blog post contains shameless spoilers for Pandemic Legacy. Reading this blog post if you have not yet played the game will impair your enjoyment should you decide to play it in the future.

Previously, on Pandemic Legacy…

  • We won our second attempt at September, reasonably comfortably
  • In October, we found Patient Zero, and discovered the capability to vaccinate against the Faded
  • We acquired a new character, the Immunologist
  • We won October on the first try

November (First Attempt)

We set up for our first attempt at November. The initial spread of disease cubes was fairly yellow-heavy.

Quite a lot of yellow cubes to start this game

A little cluster of Faded here, looking like they’re planning trouble

While choosing our characters, we realised that we’ve been cheating when playing the quarantine specialist, by treating their “quarantine anywhere on the board” ability as a free move, and not spending an action. Oops. Our objectives for this game are as follows:

  • Find a cure for the 3 diseases (mandatory, as usual)
  • Sabotage 2 military bases
  • Build 3 vaccine factories
  • Vaccinate 6 cities

(as usual, only 2 of the 3 optional objectives are required).

We chose to play as the following characters for this game:

  • Jonesy the Generalist (Gammidgy)
  • Van Tam the Immunologist (Susan)
  • Derek the Operations Expert (Pete)
  • Ash the Virologist (Karen)

Our four intrepid pawns, ready to save the world once again

The generalist seemed like they’d be useful as they have a character upgrade that helps sabotaging military bases, and the operations expert would be able to build vaccine factories and travel from them to cities deep in the Faded zone, which also sounded useful. This is the first time we’ve played the Immunologist, and gave them a relationship with the virologist.

An extra action if they start their turn in the same city

Thanks to winning the last couple of games in a row, we had no funded events for this game. We spent a lot of time considering where to place our 3 free roadblocks (from our October win bonus) and eventually decided not to place them, as we thought they do more harm than good. Eventually the game was underway.

We had a fairly early epidemic in Osaka which wasn’t too worrisome, apart from the fact that the card came back up very soon thereafter, causing an outbreak. Osaka is one of the few Faded cities to have not experienced an outbreak before, so it felt like a shame to lose this streak.

Osaka, post-outbreak

The first city to be vaccinated was Los Angeles. We also built a vaccine factory there, as we figured that getting those vaccine factories out early would allow us to start building stockpiles of vaccine.

Derek getting the vaccine project underway

Meanwhile, Asia was starting to look a bit nasty, with another outbreak. Fortunately by now I had accumulated 4 yellow city cards in my hand, plus some induced pluripotent stem cells, so was able to cure the yellow disease.

Wild card!

The situation in the Faded region continued to worsen, with Manila and Bangkok both going particularly badly. It wasn’t all terrible – Karen managed to cure the black disease, and we were able to vaccinate Osaka and build a vaccine factory there, and we managed to sabotage the military base in Shanghai. However, we had to use the nuclear option to stop Bangkok getting out of control. In hindsight, it didn’t really help us all that much, so maybe we wasted that card.

The Nuclear Option

With outbreaks in Milan, Sydney and Buenos Aires, this game utterly kicked our asses. We realised that our choices of characters were not good, and we didn’t really make use of them that much. Also, the Virologist has a scar that means that they can not move more than 2 steps in a turn, which turned out to be much more of a hindrance than we had previously thought. For our game end upgrades, we converted both of our vaccine factories (Los Angeles and Osaka) into starting vaccine factories. Both cities are vaccinated, so the risk of an outbreak occurring in either of these cities and causing the vaccine factory to be destroyed is near-zero. Also, this means that next time we play November, one of our optional objectives is already completed right off the bat, allowing us to focus better on the remaining ones. We stopped here for dinner, and then returned for another try.

November (Second Attempt)

We had a bit of luck with the initial allocation of disease cubes here, as one of the “3 cube” cities was a vaccinated one, meaning that no cubes were placed. Overall, the bias here was again towards yellow cities. Interestingly, there were no Faded in the initial placement at all, which took a bit of the pressure off on that front.

A bit yellowy

We were much less reluctant to place our 3 bonus roadblocks this time, and decided to put them around the worst cities in Asia, which are already roadblocked off from the south.

Some roadblocks

With the “3 vaccine factories” optional objective already completed, we decided to focus on the “vaccinate 6 cities” optional objective and ignore sabotaging military bases. We chose the following characters to help us achieve this:

  • Eric the Medic (Gammidgy)
  • Van Tam the Immunologist (Susan)
  • Derek the Operations Expert (Pete)
  • Wei the Dispatcher (Karen)

We took the Generalist out (as sabotaging military bases was no longer a priority) and the Virologist (owing to their movement-limiting scar). We brought back the Medic, who we haven’t played for a while, and the Dispatcher, as their ability to move other players is something that we’ve always been able to make a lot of use of in the past. We kept the Operations Expert in, as though we didn’t make much use of their abilities in the last game, they still seemed like a more useful character than the other options.

The first epidemic card was unfortunately right at the top of the player deck. It occurred in Montreal, and with the very small collection of cards being shuffled back in, it meant that Montreal came up again very soon thereafter, resulting in an outbreak that we couldn’t really have done anything about. A similar thing happened 15 minutes later, with an epidemic and subsequent outbreak in Sydney.

The state of Sydney, eh?

That said, things seemed to be going fairly well in this game. There were some concerns here and there, but mostly things seemed to be going to plan, with all players pulling their weight and doing good work. We managed to cure and eradicate the black disease, and then things started to get away from us. An epidemic in Beijing, followed by an outbreak in Beijing, followed by a double outbreak in Beijing and the adjacent Seoul had us against the ropes. Cures for the blue and yellow diseases were both very close, and we’d also managed to vaccinate 5 cities, so that objective was near completion too. We were then finished off by an epidemic and ensuing outbreak in Washington, followed by an outbreak in New York.

Eventually, the blue did us in

For our game end upgrades, none of the options felt terribly compelling. We decided to give a hand limit character upgrade to Wei, to cancel out their scar.

Wei’s descarification

We also chose to convert three roadblocks to permanent roadblocks, as the Immunologist’s abilities meant that we’d be able to vaccinate the worst cities without needing to actually go into them, so we might as well contain them.

No-one’s ever going into these cities again

December (First Attempt)

We’d never done more than 2 games in a session, but it was 9pm on New Years Eve, and I felt that we had a decent chance at winning, which would be a great way to end 2021, so I pushed for us to play a third.

The mission briefing for December brought a big upset. All previous objectives were gone, including the long-standing mandatory objective to cure 3 diseases. We now just had two mandatory objectives – to vaccinate every Faded city (as I had suspected), and to find and destroy a secret stockpile of COdA in Atlanta.

Our new objectives

The search mechanism here required a player to be in Atlanta and to “pay” a number of city cards of the appropriate colour in order to advance the search track. The starting distribution of cubes wasn’t too bad – mostly biased towards yellow and blue, without many unfortunate adjacent positionings.

Initial cubes in yellow and blue

A small cluster of ruffians

At this point we also noticed another couple of rules that we’d overlooked in the previous game. Given how close the previous game was, these might have been the difference between winning and losing. The first is that, when placing a Faded figure as a result of drawing a red player card, you should not do this if it would cause an outbreak.

“Accelerated Incubation” rules should never cause an outbreak

The second is that we’d forgotten about Eric’s ability to treat adjacent cities without having to actually go into them. The action points that this would have saved us could have been enough to tip the balance.

Eric only has one upgrade, but we haven’t played him for a while, so we forgot about it

We played the same characters as in the previous game, as it felt like the objectives weren’t sufficiently different to demand a change. Many of our characters have now very much fallen by the wayside, as their skills don’t really square with what we’re trying to do these days.

The game got off to a decent start, with lots of searching in Atlanta, while other characters made their way across to the Faded regions to do some vaccinating there. We realised that of the two objectives, if we could only complete one then we should prioritise the vaccination efforts, as progress on that is cumulative, whereas the search would reset if we had to replay December.

There was a very early epidemic in Santiago, and as usual Hong Kong was starting to fill up with Faded. The medic’s abilities were very useful, and while progress felt slow at first, we did at least feel like we were staying on top of the diseases.

Madrid, one of our initial three-cubers, had an outbreak before we could get to it. We then experienced an epidemic in Karachi followed by an outbreak a few minutes later, so the situation in that part of the world started to look a little concerning.

Karachi, post-outbreak

On the plus side, vaccination efforts in Asia were going well, with about half of the Faded cities in that region now vaccinated.

Look at all those vaccinated cities at the top!

An epidemic in Manila was averted, as the city was already vaccinated. As the number of vaccinated cities goes up, we are starting to actually look forward to seeing red cards coming up, as they are potentially less damaging than cards of the other colours. At this point we now had a mere 4 cities left to vaccinate, and only 5 steps on the search tracker.

After vaccinating a couple more cities, we realised that after the averted Manila epidemic, we had forgotten to reshuffle the discard pile onto the top of the deck. We did this at the point at which we realised, but then another epidemic came out immediately afterwards, so things were a bit confused.

We realised that it was inevitable that we’d run out of time. While we had enough city cards between us to complete the search, there weren’t enough cards left in the player deck to get around to being able to use them. In good news, we did manage to vaccinate every last Faded city. We shifted into damage limitation mode, but unfortunately the game fell apart a bit at the end – on the last few turns we had double outbreaks in Cairo and Istanbul, and Montreal and New York. Derek and Eric both used the “self-sacrifice” actions to skip the infect step by taking a scar, because we judged that there wouldn’t be much need to build roadblocks or vaccinate any further.

Chaos in North America to end the game. Montreal went downhill badly during this game

Lots of outbreaks in the black disease area this game too

Derek can no longer build roadblocks. Not that he ever did, anyway

Eric can no longer vaccinate. Not that he ever did, anyway

At this point, we decided to call it a night. With every single Faded city now vaccinated, the second attempt at December will hopefully go much better, as we will be able to properly focus on the search for the stockpile, which is effectively now our singular objective.

December 28, 2021

Alcohol-Free Beers (Part Forty-Two)

(View previous instalments here)

It must be the magic of the season, but something very mysterious happened with this month’s AFBeerClub box. It arrived a couple of days before we were due to depart on holiday, which struck me as a good arrangement because I’d then be able to drink them and write my reviews while I was away. As always, I opened the box to briefly check out the contents, to ascertain how many were beers that I’ve tried before, and how many were not really beer at all. My previous experience has been that, in a box of 8, I can expect for there to be a couple that I’ve had before, and a couple that are actually a sour fruity drink that bears little or no resemblance to beer.

This is where we get to the magic. Each time I looked in this month’s box, the number of new beers was less and less. Upon my first (very quick) inspection, I established that there were 4 new ones. Next time I checked, it was down to 3. And by the time I came to unpacking the box at our holiday apartment, I came to the conclusion that there were only 2 new beers in this box. How did this happen? I have no idea. But all I do know is that in this box there are only these two new beers.

Athletic All Out

The label doesn’t lie, this is indeed extra dark, and has a lovely little head that sat there patiently waiting for me to take my first sip. The smell is absolutely divine, with coffee and toffee and chocolate. The taste is just as good, lovely and rich and syrupy. I passed it to Karen, expecting her to make The Face (because that’s the mark of a good beer) and indeed she did – three times in a row, all from the one sip! One of these days, I must record a video of her making The Face.

To ØL – Driving Home From Xmas

I saved this one for the evening of December 25th, naturally. It’s very cloudy with a smell of bananas. The flavour is funky and fusty, while also sour and tangy. Karen had a sip, of course, and remarked upon an elusive floral flavour that she couldn’t quite place. She quite liked it. I, conversely, did not.

Since there’s so little to review this month, I thought I’d take an opportunity to have a bit of a retrospective on this whole project, since we’re now at the all-import 42nd instalment. Looking back, I see that this project has gone through three distinct “ages”.

The First Age

(broadly corresponds to posts from 2019, posts 1 to 10)

The first age was when I was mostly trying alcohol-free beers from pubs and supermarkets. Looking back, this is still the most useful set of posts, as these are the sorts of beers that the average consumer is likely to get the opportunity to try.

The Second Age

(broadly corresponds to posts from 2020, posts 11 to 16)

The second age was when I had exhausted the range carried by most pubs and supermarkets, and started looking to more specialist retailers.

The Third Age

(broadly corresponds to posts from 2021, posts 17 to 42)

With the introduction of the AFBeerClub box to my life, this hugely increased the number of beers available for me to try, which meant I was now writing far more reviews. However, it’s also yet another step away from the mainstream, as these tend to be yet more obscure beers that you won’t see in pubs or supermarkets. There have been times where keeping up with my reviewing duties has felt like a chore, and also times where I’ve questioned the value of doing so at all. Early alcohol-free beers gave a bad reputation to AF beer in general, and one of the things I discovered during my early forays was that while there were still some really undrinkable options out there, there were also some real gems. So I started this series to help people know which to avoid, and which were worth a try. I feel like I’ve drifted away from that, and now this project feels like something that I only continue doing because I’ve established the habit.

It feels like time for a change. What form that change might take, I don’t yet know. There are many factors at play. If I decide that the AFBeerClub subscription is no longer giving me good value, and choose to cancel it, then that will obviously have a huge influence. Maybe I’ll even decide that it’s time for me to settle down and stop chasing novelty, like some kind of old man who has one type of beer he drinks, and that’s it. Maybe I’ll keep getting the subscription box, but leave the reviewing to others who are far better at identifying and conveying subtle nuances. Or maybe I’ll just keep doing this thing, because I am a creature of habit. So what I’m basically trying to say is that next year, this series will either:

  1. stop,
  2. continue, or,
  3. continue, but at a reduced rate

There you go, some clarity for ya. Hope this helps.

Happy holidays!

December 10, 2021

Alcohol-Free Beers (Part Forty-One)

(View previous instalments here)

In the previous instalment, I drank all the less-promising stuff from this month’s AFBeerClub box. Which therefore means that this instalment should have all the good stuff!

Vandestreek Playground IPA

This beer is cloudy and a medium orange colour. It’s fairly thin and watery with a quite small head. The smell is a grand invigorating hit – a clear and bold hoppiness. The flavour also carries through, sharp and strongly hopped, with a little bit of fruity mangoness.

Big Drop Leafkicker

I had to save this one for a lunchtime sesh, because it’s got caffeine in it. The colour is a very dark amber, and it’s got a decent thick head that lingers nicely. The smell is rich and malty, and the coffee is noticeable, which means that if you close your eyes you feel like you are inhaling a coffee stout. I passed it to Karen for a sip before I tried it, and she made The Face, which is always a sign that I’m in for something good.

The coffee is definitely present in the taste, as well as a tiny trace of that unfermented worty flavour, though in these tiny proportions it’s palatable. I found it to be a little effervescent on the tongue, it didn’t really slip down very easily. That said, I could have seen myself buying it again in future, were it not for the presence of the caffeine. If I’m going to be drinking a beer with caffeine in it, then you know it’s gonna be Space Cake.

Nirvana London Porter

My experiences with Nirvana have generally been good, and I’m not averse to their stout. This one pours very similar in the glass – quite thin and flat. The coffee smell is good – strong and rich – but I found the flavour to be a bit disappointing. I could taste some appealing notes, but they were very much in the background, and on the whole it was a very fizzy experience, like drinking 1 part Guinness diluted in 3 parts sparkling mineral water.

December 2, 2021

Alcohol-Free Beers (Part Forty)

(View previous instalments here)

Another monthly box from AFBeerClub has arrived, and I’ve got to be honest with you, I’m not terribly excited about the contents. There are a lot of things in there that are very much not beer, and only two that I’d say I’m actively looking forward to trying. Hopefully it’s just a bad month, and next month will be better. Either way, I’m going to get the crap out of the way first, so expect low scores here, and hopefully higher scores in the next post.

Brulo Mango Guava IPA

The colour of this one definitely screams “mango”. It’s a thin and watery drink, apparently with some floating particulates. The mango is very much present both in the smell and the taste – not a subtle mangoification process here, not at all. It’s very sour, and I found it to be quite offputting. This is neither a good beer, nor a good mango drink.

Maltgarden Free Sunset Red

This is one of the most uninvitingly-coloured drinks I’ve ever seen. It looks like rust-discoloured creek water. The smell, however, is strangely good, a bit like rhubarb yoghurt. The taste is also not too unpleasant, it’s very sweet but with lots of summer fruit aspect to it. While it’s not a bad drink, it’s again not at all what I am hoping for in a self-proclaimed  box of beers.

Kaiserdom Pink Grapefruit

Continuing to work our way through things that claim to be beer, this is basically Lilt. Don’t get me wrong, I quite like Lilt, but this blog post is titled “alcohol-free beers”, so if I review it as a beer:

Tempest Sleight Of Hand

Not sure what Tempest are playing at here, but they’ve released a stout with exactly the same name as their alcohol-free IPA, making it hard to differentiate. This is a spiced milk stout, and my initial concerns were that it would be a silly overflavoured Christmas cash-in. Thankfully, the spices in the smell are very subtle indeed – it does have a somewhat interesting medicinal aroma. In the flavour, again the spiciness is delicate, with just a little hint of weirdness, not an all-out war on your tastebuds. This is a tricky one to rate, and far far better than I was bracing myself for, but ultimately I can’t see myself purchasing this one again, which means that it must be:


November 28, 2021

Pandemic Legacy: September (Part Two) / October

WARNING: This blog post contains shameless spoilers for Pandemic Legacy. Reading this blog post if you have not yet played the game will impair your enjoyment should you decide to play it in the future.

Previously, on Pandemic Legacy…

  • We found an immunologist
  • We won our first attempt at August
  • The virologist is now a playable character
  • We found the paranoid soldier, which revealed that the military are not our friends, and Pike is no longer playable
  • We lost our first attempt at September

September (Second Attempt)

With the paranoid soldier found, we now only have two optional objectives for September, meaning that they are effectively all mandatory. We will need to quarantine 7 cities in the Faded zone, and sabotage 2 military bases.

Our new objectives for September

The initial distribution of disease cubes gave us very little in the black zone, but quite a few Faded. We decided to start in Atlanta, as there were 3 cubes there that we’d be able to deal with very quickly.

Four intrepid pawns, ready to save the world

We selected the following characters to play as:

  • Jonesy the Generalist (Gammidgy)
  • Colonel K*D (Susan)
  • Ewan the Quarantine Specialist (Pete)
  • Moira Rose the Scientist (Karen)

The rationale here was that Colonel K*D and Ewan would be good at staying on top of the Faded, and doing lots of quarantining (bear in mind that K*D has the character upgrade that allows them to quarantine adjacent cities as long as they are in a region with a military base), and that Jonesy and Moira Rose would be able to handle curing the 3 diseases between them. Sabotaging two military bases would happen as and when the opportunities arose.

We did at this point accidentally cheat in two ways, and realised our mistakes later in this session. Firstly, at the end of last game, Tokyo descended into Rioting state, so the starting research station should have been destroyed. We noticed this until the start of October, so I think that we were only able to exploit this a small number of times. Secondly, one of the new rules introduced in the last game was that one starting military base should be placed when placing the initial infection cubes. We realised this about 3/4 of the way through this playing session.

We started playing. Within a few turns we seemed to be making progress on the optional objectives, with 3 quarantine tokens out and one military base (Bogota) sabotaged, but the number of Faded figures was definitely on the increase.

They’re multiplying alarmingly quickly

The first epidemic came out in Milan, which was a fairly quiet corner of the board, so not too threatening. Within a couple of minutes, the black disease cure was found, as Moira Rose only requires 3 black city cards to find the cure for this one. With very few black cubes left on the board, eradication looked achievable. Another epidemic came soon after, in Hong Kong. The presence of a quarantine marker on this city meant that the only impact was that we lost the marker, however with only four city cards being shuffled back in, there was the potential for chaos. On the plus side, knowing what city cards were about to come up meant that we could be prepared.

Within the next couple of turns we had the black disease eradicated and the Madrid military base destroyed, meaning one of our three objectives was met. Karen was holding a funded event card that would allow her to place two quarantine tokens anywhere, meaning that as long as we could keep 5 or more quarantine tokens active on Faded cities, we’d be able to tick off that objective as soon as the cures were found.

Military base sabotage objective: mission accomplished!

This is what a destroyed military base looks like

At this point, there seems to be an omission in my notes. I’m not sure at exactly what point the yellow disease was cured, but I do know that we were able to get 5 blue city cards into my hand, so a cure was imminent. Still, with lots of Fadeds and yellow cubes on the board, and the quarantine markers continually being destroyed and redeployed, success was far from guaranteed.

Many Fadeds and yellow cubes on the west coast

A lot of Faded over there too

At this point in my notes I’ve written just “Beijing”, which I assume means an epidemic there. Not sure what else it could mean.

Fortunately, all went to plan. With all three cures eventually in place, and 6 quarantine tokens on the board, Karen played her magic card…

A very useful card

…and the game was won. We felt that this was the best game we’d had in a long time – we won quite comfortably, with lots of cards still left in the player deck, and zero outbreaks.

The win bonus for this month was underwhelming – for each game in October, we would have a choice of either advancing a search by one space, or adding an equipment sticker to a city card.

Underwhelming Win Bonus

We struggled to choose our game-end upgrades here, as so many felt inapplicable. While the black disease was eradicated, there were no more positive mutations available for it. We ended up selecting the “Nuclear Option” unfunded event, which first appeared on the scene back at the end of August, and the “Hero” character upgrade for Moira Rose which would allow them to self-sacrifice at any time.

The Nuclear Option. Let’s hope we never need it.

Our hero Moira


Our first attempt at October brought us a new objective in the form of a new search. This time, we must find patient zero, who was to be found in the city where the Faded first appeared (in our case, Beijing). We suspected that once we found them, we’d have the DNA sample, which would be the final key in unlocking box 7. There seemed to be a lot of value in prioritising this search.

The search for patient zero

The rules on this search were similar to before, in that discarding a red city card would advance us 1 space, whereas discarding the exact city card (Beijing) would advance us 3 spaces. However, having a military base in Beijing would advance us 2 spaces per search, so we decided to use the Beijing card (which fortunately was dealt out to Gammidgy in his initial hand) to build a military base, as that would net us more benefit in the long run. We used our win bonus from September to advance one space immediately.

The initial disease cube allocation was reasonably well spread out, with the only concerning spot being two adjacent cities in the black region at 3 and 2 cubes respectively. We chose the following characters:

  • Wei the Dispatcher (Gammidgy)
  • Colonel K*D (Susan)
  • Ewan the Quarantine Specialist (Pete)
  • Moira Rose the Scientist (Karen)

We felt that the dispatcher could be particularly useful here in moving people around, with a particular emphasis on teleporting players into Beijing for search purposes. Where there’s a Wei, there’s a way. Karen gets credit for that line.

A mildly alarming clump of cubes in the black region. City Zero (Beijing) also helpfully pointed out

We got a really good setup in Beijing nice and early. Gammidgy went to Beijing, build the military base as planned, brought Ewan (me) in, and Ewan (me) then placed down a quarantine token (which would be protected by Ewan’s presence). This made Beijing a good safe haven and we could search in relative peace.

Beijing safe haven

Ewan (me) also had three red city cards in their hand, so on their next turn would be able to get 6 spaces along the search track, putting us within 2 spots of the target (epidemics notwithstanding).

Our first epidemic popped up in Chennai soon after. Not a location that was too troubling, but it did mean that the search target moved one spot further away, and we had disappointingly few red city cards in our hands.

Soon thereafter we found a cure for the black disease. At this stage in the game, it was too early to take a stab at whether we were going to win this or not. The search was going okay, but progress on placing lots of quarantine tokens in the Faded cities, and finding other cures, was very slow.

Another epidemic popped up in Beijing, but thanks to the quarantine token, no Faded were placed. Furthermore, Ewan’s presence meant that the quarantine token wasn’t even removed! We laughed at our good fortune, though the search target lumbered steadily further away. Sadly, with the cards shuffled back into the deck, San Francisco outbreaked, resulting in a Faded spilling into Chicago. We’ve generally done a good job of preventing the spread of Faded beyond the initial zone, and have contained it to Kolkata and two (now three) cities in North America.

On Susan’s next turn, she located patient zero in Beijing. Indeed, this gave us the DNA samples, which, combined with the key to the virus development records which we got when we found the paranoid soldier, and the gene sequence which we got when we found the virologist, allows us to open box 7, the final unopened box.

Box 7, here we come

Box 7 contained a veritable cornucopia of goodies.

What’s in the box?

We can now manufacture vaccines! First, we must build vaccine factories (those four orange building tokens) in a similar way to how research stations are built. With that done, vaccines (those tiny orange nuggets) will be steadily produced at the factories. We need to collect those vaccines and take them to Faded cities. Each nugget can destroy one Faded. When there are no Faded left in a city, another nugget will convert it to a vaccinated city. Once it’s vaccinated, it is Faded no longer, and the only way that it can acquire disease cubes is via an outbreak of one of the three regular diseases.

The rate of vaccine manufacture is potentially quite high

Our objectives for this game were also altered. The “quarantine 7 Faded cities” one was removed, and we now have the following (of which we must perform one) in addition to the regular “find 3 cures” mandatory objective:

  • Sabotage 2 military bases (as before)
  • Have 3 vaccine factories on the board
  • Have 6 vaccinated cities on the board

There was one significant caveat to the vaccination rules, which is that the presence of a military base in a region would make vaccinating harder (ie require more nuggets). We therefore deduced that sabotaging those military bases over in Shanghai and Jakarta would probably be a prerequisite to making any serious inroads into vaccination progress over there.

Box 7 also gave us a new “immunologist” playable character, who can vaccinate more efficiently. It’s likely we’ll want to use them in the next game.

Once we’d processed all these new rule changes, and the change in priorities, it took us a while to get back into our rhythm, and the next few turns took a very long time to play. We found a blue cure eventually, but then an epidemic broke out in Washington. We knew that we would be at very great risk of an immediate outbreak once the cards were reshuffled back into the deck, so Moira Rose heroically self-sacrificed and took a scar.

It now takes Moira an additional action to quarantine (not that she ever did it that often anyway)

Our first vaccine factory was built by Susan in Sao Paulo. Another nice benefit of the vaccine factories is that they link into the research station fast-travel network. Since we’re now going to be destroying military bases, we are going to need to build a new network, centred around vaccine factories.

The first vaccine factory

With an outbreak in Lagos, the number of yellow cubes is starting to grow, and we need to do something to address it. We then had an epidemic come out in Ho Chi Minh City, which already contained 3 Faded. At first, we thought this not too much of a problem, as it is already in a Fallen state, so it couldn’t get any worse. But then, it dawned on us that allowing this epidemic to play out would actually have significant ramifications elsewhere, so we allowed ourselves to unwind time, and use our third and final “get out of jail free” card to pretend that the epidemic didn’t happen. The necessary cost is to increase a city’s panic level, so we chose Essen as the victim, and changed it to unstable.

Meanwhile Istanbul had been steadily worsening, and an outbreak there while Moira Rose was in the city caused her to take a second scar. We fear that she is not long for this world, and probably won’t play her again, as one more scar would finish her off entirely. She has paid dearly in this game, and her sacrifices will not be forgotten.

Moira is now also unable to sabotage

By now it was 20 minutes since we’d found the blue cure, nearly an hour since we’d found patient zero, a full hour since we’d found the black cure, nearly 90 minutes since we’d played our first turn, and nearly two hours since we’d started setting up this attempt at October. Finding the final cure was definitely looking doable, as I had four yellow city cards in my hand, though none of our three remaining optional objectives looked within reach. We resigned ourselves to losing this game, and refocused our attentions on damage limitation, and actions that would set us up well for the next attempt. I drew a yellow city card during the “draw cards” phase at the end of my turn. The positive mutations on the yellow disease meant that it did not require an action, nor for me to be in a research station, so we decided that it was allowed for me to do the cure even though we were technically past the action phase of my turn.

There was an outbreak in St Petersburg at this time, and then Susan realised that she had the power to win us the game. With K*D’s ability to do a direct flight or charter flight without using up the card, she could simply fly into any city, use the card to build a vaccine factory, and then do the same a second time. With 3 vaccine factories on the board, that would give us one of our optional objectives! All we needed was for Gammidgy to keep us alive for his turn. He was able to do so, and the victory was ours!

An inspired, game-winning play by Susan

With the game complete, we all breathed a huge sigh of relief, and took a short break before reconvening to talk game-end upgrades. After reviewing the options extensively, we decided that upgrading two of our new vaccine factories to starting vaccine factories was our best plan. It would help to build our fast travel network, give us good vaccine production facilities off the bat, and get us 2/3 of the way towards one of our optional objectives.

Sao Paulo and Khartoum are now starting vaccine factories

We also spent some time discussing how we’d attack November. We agreed that getting a nice corridor of vaccinated cities through the Faded zone would be useful, with a vaccine factory in a key location (probably Shanghai or Kolkata) as a base of operations. Our options here are limited by the fact that any city with an unrest level of 2 or more can not contain a vaccine factory, which rules out a lot of that side of the board. The three Fallen cities would be particularly hard to get to, but once they were vaccinated, we wouldn’t have to worry about them again. We find ourselves feeling very ambivalent about the military bases – on the one hand, they grant useful abilities to some of our characters, in terms of providing fast travel, and K*D’s capability to quarantine adjacent cities, and their presence allows us to attach equipment stickers to city cards, and makes the “sabotage 2 military bases” objective easier. But on the other hand, their existence in the Faded zone will slow down vaccination efforts, so they’ve got to go. November is going to be interesting. We have a suspicion that one of the December objectives will be to vaccinate all Faded cities – it may even be the mandatory objective, replacing the “find 3 cures” that we’ve lived with for so long – so if we’re right, there’s a lot to be said for making as much headway as possible on the vaccination project as soon as possible, and perhaps even intentionally losing our first attempt at November so that we can get twice as many cities vaccinated before we go into December. One thing’s for sure – after this successful playing session, we’re very eagerly looking forward to our next meetup!

November 11, 2021

Alcohol-Free Beers (Part Thirty-Nine)

(View previous instalments here)

Nøgne – Julefri

This is a very dark, Christmas-themed beer. Now, on the plus side, I’ve tried one other beer from this brewery and it’s possible the greatest alcohol-free dark beer that I’ve ever tasted. So, that’s promising. On the negative side, I’m terrified by Christmas-themed variations on drinks. They are, in my experience, abominations that should not be allowed.

The pour is as dark and viscous as I had anticipated, which makes sense as I imagine that the Svart/Hvit was used as a base for this concoction. The smell does certainly make you think “yep, stereotypical Christmas shite right there” with ginger, cinnamon and cloves. As is so often the case, Karen gets a sip in before me, and she remarked that it smells better than it tastes. However, I think I disagree. While the smell is a tacky assault of Christmas spices, the flavour is actually much better balanced, and the spices don’t dominate quite as much. That said, you know what would be even better? If they weren’t there at all.

While it’s not as bad as I had braced for, this is very much a novelty beer and I don’t see a reason why I’d buy it again.

Mash Gang – Transcendence

This is a pale, cloudy IPA with a pleasing head. The aroma is very hoppy but with a lot of sweet fruitiness to it as well. The flavour has a sharpness, but perhaps a bit on the watery side – the overall levels are good, but just at a much lower intensity across the board than ideal. Karen observes citrus and grapefruit.

Lowtide – West Coast Hop Lock

To round out this batch, we have a clear medium-golden coloured IPA. The smell is enticing – there’s hoppiness there, but it’s delicate and restrained. The flavour is, in my opinion, absolute perfection. Stimulating but not upsetting, sharp but invigoratingly so.
